The tour is fully underway!
An early morning start in the rain followed by beautiful winter sunshine, it has to mean that it’s another Mojo Tour event! This time, UCL was calling.
After setting up in the morning it was quite evident that there was a huge deal of excitement surrounding the pre-fit and mojo teams respectively over what an amazing 4 days we are in store for this week.
With music blaring, new Mojo clothes on show to everyone at some pretty cheap prices, and a beer pong table there wasn’t any way we weren’t going to entertain everyone! Jamie was sporting a Mojo onesie for most of the day, trying to peacock as much as he could, whilst Joe was his usually chatty self, although still shocking at beer pong.
To all who live in London, come along until Thursday at UCL, we’re in the main quad and trying to make the place as colourful as possible! The prices in the shop are the cheapest they will ever be and the quality of beer pong is the worst it’s ever been. Oh plus we, now have a mannequin called Harry so who wouldn’t want to come and meet him!
See you all there!
Over and out,
The Mojo Team