Universities here we come!
Setting off early in the morning, meeting on the motorway and sporting two questionable pieces of facial hair in honour of Movember, Mojos Clothing headed to Warwick for our first part of the university tour. It was a fantastic day and was great to finally get our university tour under way!
Our next university will be UCL starting on Monday, so if anyone is at UCL, come make sure you have a look at our stall. We will be bringing a fantastic atmosphere round the uni, and beer pong to add to that!
It’s great to be getting the support that we’re getting for our collection online, and in our pop up stores that you will be all seeing round university campuses in the next few months.
Over the next week or so you should be able to find some new pieces of our winter collection going up online on our website. We really do think we have some fantastic items coming out, so please go online when we post about them, see them up close on our uni tour and give us some of your feedback!

We would also like to thank everyone for their support in terms of our Movember T-Shirt campaign. It’s been going fantastically, and we really couldn’t have done it without you!
So UCL, here we come, hopefully we will all see you there!!!
Over and out,