The 2014 University tour with Pre-Fit Delivery!
The pre-season fun begins! As we tour around the country to over 30 universities in just under 2 months, we are very much ready to see what every city in the UK has to offer!
Pre-Fit Delivery are a fantastic student sports travel company. They deal with the fitting of all ski’s and boots to massively reduce the hassle of sorting out hire, which is especially important when 1500 students arrive in one tiny resort and have no clue what to do. With Pre-fit you won’t need to worry as it’s all done for you. At Mojo we are very fortunate to be associated with them this year and have the chance to travel around the whole of the UK spreading the Mojo word with them.
As you may know, both directors of Mojo are huge snow enthusiast and love spending their time in the mountains. We can’t wait to meet you all on campus and tell you just how good a time you’re about to have in the snow, nothing can compare!
The Mojo brand is based on the appeal of a lifestyle. The lifestyle expressing how much fun you can have both on and off the slopes. With this in mind, we are looking to travel out to as many resorts as we can this year following the uni ski trips, throwing parties, running big air competitions, having exclusive Mojo events and generally trying to make everyone’s trip once in a lifetime.
So, grab your shades, dig out your retro ski’s, throw on a Mojo onsie and lets party in the mountains like it’s never been done before.
See you out there!
Much love from the MOJO team