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    Bring on 2015!

    Here at Mojo we have had a brilliant few weeks. One of our co-founders Joe, went out to Les Arcs for the week over Christmas with his family to spread the Mojo love. 

    Wearing onesies everyday, they were recognised from a mile off! With many heads turned, silly dancing and festive cheer, it really was a great week, despite the extreme lack of snow! Sods law, as the day Joe and his family left, the French Alps had a huge influx of snow and the roads couldn't cope with it all. With buses crashing, gyms opening up for people to sleep in for the night and cars left stranded, it was the worst thing leaving what was going to be an epic week in the mountain! 

    Meanwhile, out there, Joe headed over to Val d'Isere for an afternoon. Bringing with him the new Tie Dye Sweatshirts, ready for a photo shoot. With the new line in, we are excited to bring more colour back into Mojo with these sweatshirts. With only a limited number in stock and each one uniquely dyed, we have no doubt these crazy sweats will be on the mountains this season. 


    Tie Dye photo shoot credit: Doug Sanderson - Instagram: @dougiesandy

    Watch out this week for a one day only flash sale. On this day all our prices will dramatically drop for just 24 hours! It will be the whole of Januarys worth of 'after Christmas sales' in just one day. So DON'T MISS OUT! 

    Bring on 2015! 

    The Mojo Team


    And so ends part 1, but stay tuned for next year...

    Well, we started at UCL and ended at Oxford Brookes, this university tour has been so much fun so far! Our last three universities, Bath, Plymouth and Oxford Brookes provided us with some great entertainment and everyone we met who was new to our world of Mojo gave us massive support and we can’t thank you enough for everything. 


    It’s been amazing to travel to so many great cities. In the last 10 days we’ve visited the sandstone haven of Bath, the incredible harbour of Portsmouth and the fantastic historical architecture of Oxford, something we at Mojo are extremely grateful for. But it’s just not the cities that we loved, it was the team at Pre-Fit that we worked with, as well as the students who came to visit us during our times there.

    During our times with the universities this year we’ve enjoyed sharing our Movmeber campaign with you all, as well as bringing out some new gear for you all to share and enjoy whilst you head out on your winter holidays, and guess what… you can expect so much more of the same from us in 2015! 

    Furthermore, don’t forget that this was just part 1 of the University tour, no way are we finished just yet! We have plenty of university campuses to attend in January 2015 and beyond, so make sure that you keep an eye out for our activity and join us when you can, especially if you are attending your university ski trips.


    From all of us at Mojo, we hope your run in to this festive period with nothing to worry about and have a mental one! We trust that you get everything you desire, if not then don't worry too much. It's a silly tradition anyway...

    Until next time, 


    The Mojo Team


    Schools Ski Championships Gets Ready to Kick Off

    Our friends over at Basecamp Ski and Snowboard are heading out to Les Deux Alps next week for their annual race championships. 

    Photo Description: Sam Todd-Saunders of Hurst College will look to retain his crown for a fourth consecutive year [photo credit: Andy Green]


    Running for it’s 9th consecutive season the Independent Schools Ski and Snowboard Championships is preparing for it’s largest ever attendance. Held in the snowsure resort of Les Deux Alpes from the 12th - 19th December the event will host over 180 racers from 12 of the countries leading independent schools.

    With many of the alps resorts suffering from delayed opening times as a result of the thin snowfall so far this season, Les Deux Alpes benefits from a year round glacier which is where the event will take place.

    Held over four days the event is considered to be the only one of its kind with its open approach, and race camp package. The championships is run as a fully inclusive package, and starts with two days of training with French coaches allowing all competitors to find their rhythm and learn the basics before competing against each other in Slalom, Giant Slalom and Parallel Slalom. The event finishes with a prize giving ceremony and there are various night-time activities organised throughout the week to keep all participants busy and entertained.

    “We are delighted to have over 180 competitors from twelve schools this year. The event has continued to gather momentum each year, and is popular as whilst it is a competitive race, we are open to novice racers and the two days of training prior to the event are a great opportunity for the less experienced racers to learn the basics, and have the chance to put them to practise during the races themselves” said Event Director, Linley Lewis.

    Hurstpierpoint return as defending champions, and will face competition from Lancing College, Whitgift School, Kings College Wimbledon, Clifton High School, Uppingham, Bedes, Steyning Grammar, Blundells, Churchers College, Albyn School and Wycombe Abbey Girls School.


    The event is hosted by Basecamp Ski and Snowboard, and is thankful to a range of sponsors including Ruroc, Mojo Clothing, and Westbeach.



    The event is a great opportunity for some early season racing for any keen racers, and also a great introduction to racing for anyone looking to give it a go, or get into the sport. Some schools see it as a training camp, some more of a ski holiday.


    The Championships costs individuals £950 and runs for 5 nights and 4 days, to include two days of ski race training, with two days of competition. The event closes with a gala supper and prize giving. Price is inclusive of flights, transfers, full board accommodation, ski hire, training and all race fees.

    For more info go to


    Best of luck to everyone involved! 


    The Mojo Team

    Leeds Was Sick!

    Woah, how did this happen!? We’ve arrived in Leeds and it’s amazing! With a cute set up and a great atmosphere around campus and the town, Leeds really has lived up to the bill. It’s not just Mojo making the most out of Leeds, Pre-fit delivery are having an absolute blast as well.

    Let’s not forget we will be working alongside Pre-fit delivery throughout our tour round loads of UK universities. They’re a great bunch and I can guarantee you’ll love them all when they come around for you fittings later this year, and next year.


    With loads more fittings planned in for this year, you will be able to see us in plenty more cities around the UK, so please keep track of our blogs so you know exactly where and when to be here!

    What's your retro prediction?

    At Mojo, it’s pretty obvious that we have a severe addiction to skiing and snowboarding. There’s really nothing like it when you step onto that mountain, and are given the freedom of some of mother natures finest!

    But this isn’t the only thing we’re mad about… One of the main backbones of Mojos Clothing is quite obviously retro. We love it and that can’t be stressed enough. Not just retro ski wear, but anything retro. Whether it be a VHS video, vinyl disks, or more recently a Nokia 3310, anything remotely retro is fantastic in our eyes! 

    So for this reason we found a great article that was publishes just a couple of months before Mojos was conceived. No, the idea of bringing retro back wasn’t ours, but we are massive advocates so will therefore fight hard to make sure it makes its much awaited comeback!


    Have a click on the link below and check out some of the predictions of what retro items might be making a comeback in the next year or two!

    May there be many more retro memories to come!

    Over and out,


    Mojos Family